

Prof. Dr. Gerald Kleymann

Prof. Dr. Gerald Kleymann´s career includes over 30 years of experience in discovery research and development in academia and industry.

Gerald discovered a range of antivirals such as IM-250. Gerald founded Innovative Molecules in 2016 and is currently acting Managing Director. He is also IM's Science lead.


Thomas Hoffmann

Thomas Hoffmann has more than 25 years of experience in the biotech field. He held strategic roles at Lion Bioscience and was founder and CFO of Phenex Pharmaceuticals. He was also a founding member of Innovative Molecules and is currently acting as the Managing Director being responsible for Finance and Business Development.


Dr. Alexander Alexandrov, M.D.

Dr Alexander Alexandrov held various drug development roles in the biotech field. He was founder and former Chief Medical Officer of MYR GmbH (now part of Gilead Science). Alexander was the key driver for the development of Hepcludex, the first and only approved treatment option for Hepatitis Delta.


Florian Vogel

Florian Vogel served in a range of strategic roles in pharmaceutical and biotech field including Chief Commercial Officer at MYR GmbH. He successfully managed a range of of product launches of biotech and pharma products, including Hepcludex which was sold for up to 1.45 bn EUR to Gilead Science
